Engagement Strategies, offers consulting and subject matter expertise about early childhood software that is used by administrators and teachers to companies and developers. I work closely with clients based on more than 30 years experience in the industry.
I often conduct large scale surveys on ear;y childhood administrators and educators use of software to inform my work with clients, my presentations and journal articles. In 2018, I surveyed 19 vendors about the features and unique sales propositions of their products. Most recently, in 2019, I worked with Steven J. Dick, Ph.D. of Modern Metrics Barn to survey and analyze 2,800 early childhood professionals about their use or non-use of software, their shopping experiences, perceptions of products and the products’ associated services.
Here,you can access the materials related to the 2019 survey, the materials for my 2019 NAEYC presentation, Digitizing your program’s operations: How to choose software for program management, family communications, and documentation, and the materials from my 2018 presentation, Directors as Fearless Consumers of Early Childhood Software.
(Will be updated every six months.)
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