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Early Childhood Investigations

Early Childhood Investigations Webinars: An Initiative by Engagement Strategies


I’m proud to be the founder, producer, and host of Early Childhood Investigations Webinars, an ongoing webinar series of free conference-quality presentations for early childhood educators. Presented by nationally acclaimed experts and thought-leaders in early childhood education, these engaging webinars explore critical topics that offer new ideas and insights to early childhood professionals, especially administrators.

I offer the series at no cost to attendees in order to stay true to my mission of connecting the field of early education. I want to use my abilities to enhance our field through the sharing of great information. This is professional learning that transcends the obstacles of distance, time, and money.


I also offer the series as an example of my webinar services so potential clients can see my work in action.

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Of course, it does cost money to offer the series. I offset some of that through webinar sponsorships. Our founding sponsor for the 2010-2011 series was Robert-Leslie Publishing.


Our webinar series would not be possible without the selfless contribution of content and time from our presenters and the generous financial support of our sponsors. I am always looking for new sponsors to help continue providing early childhood educators with easy, free access to great information. The benefits of sponsoring webinars are countless. Contact me for more information or see a list of our current sponsors on the Early Childhood Investigations Webinars website.

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