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Specialty Areas

My Areas of Expertise Include:


I’ve built my expertise through experience in the early care and education sector in publishing, advocacy, and SaaS in nonprofit and commercial B2B and B2E companies. My specialty is offering practical consulting services to clients who sell products and services in early education. I focus on connecting my clients to qualified customers, and early educators to great products and services that make their work more effective and efficient. I consider myself a matchmaker for partnerships between my clients and other companies with the potential for synergy.

Customer Engagement, Marketing, and Business Strategy

Comprehensive business and marketing planning

Integrated online marketing

Inbound marketing

E-advocacy and online fundraising

Email marketing

Lead generation

Webinar production and hosting

Social media

Product marketing

Brand development

Exhibit marketing

Digital ads

Channel strategies and distribution

Partnership expansion and management

Sponsorship development

Early Childhood Care and Education Focus

Webinars for professional development

Webinars for qualified lead generation

Assessment and curriculum

Parent engagement strategies

Events, conferences, and exhibits

Thought leadership for administrators and consultants

Content development

Contributing author for Child Care Information Exchange, Young Children, and Teaching Young Children on topics related to technology use, webinars, professional development, and consulting

Co-Author of Digital Decisions, Choosing the Right Technology for Early Childhood Education

Exceptional Master Leader, Exchange Leadership Initiative

SaaS Technology Product Development and Management

Software as a Service business model development

Pricing and positioning

Market research

Usability and user optimization

All of these services specifically and exclusively for companies and non-profit organizations in the early care and education ecosystem.